Support When You Are Unable To Work
Individuals who are unable to work as a result of injury or illness nevertheless require a livelihood. The federal government recognizes this, and through the Social Security Act has provided a means for such individuals to receive income and other benefits.
The bar for receiving benefits is rather high. You must establish that your impairment fully prevents you from working, whether in your current job or in any other field, for a period of at least 12 months. This requires a great deal of documentary evidence. Moreover, the approval rate for Social Security petitions is somewhat lower in Indiana than it is in the rest of the country, while the wait time for hearings is somewhat longer.
We can assist. Drawing on more than 25 years of experience, Tim Hayes Law has helped many individuals in Terre Haute and throughout the region successfully establish their eligibility for Social Security benefits.
Am I Eligible?
There are two main programs through which individuals can receive Social Security benefits. If you have been employed for a substantial period of time and met your tax obligations, you may qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), which pays benefits to you and your immediate family in the event that you become unable to work.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI), meanwhile, is available to a somewhat wider range of people, but offers fewer benefits — namely, it provides cash to meet basic needs.
Our firm offers knowledgeable and effective counsel to individuals in their Social Security matters. We help our clients navigate the extensive application process, ensuring you present adequate evidence of your impairment and meet all the requisite deadlines. We attend administrative hearings, where we can make the strongest possible case on your behalf. If your claim is rejected, we can advise you on how best to appeal.
A Lawyer Can Guide You Around SSDI And SSI Pitfalls
Studies suggest that 25 percent of today’s 20 year-olds will become disabled before reaching retirement age. Many are injured while on-the-job. It is important to understand what safety nets are in place.
If you would like to speak with an attorney and learn more about Social Security considerations, reach out to our office. You can call us at 812-645-7057, or schedule an appointment online. Initial consultations are always free.