Most modern households can't balance their budgets without credit cards. Credit cards provide people with spending power in between paychecks when they may not have enough cash on hand to repair their vehicles or buy groceries. When used very carefully, credit cards...
The bankruptcy means test and what it means for you
When you’re dealing with large debts or are struggling to make ends meet, one of the options you might start looking into is bankruptcy. Bankruptcy gives you an excellent way to resolve unsecured debts or renegotiate the terms of secured debts, but before you can get...
“No Surprises Act” gives patients back control
Bankruptcy is often the last thing that people want to consider when they are struggling with debt. They may worry that a bankruptcy will make their lives even harder, because their credit will be damaged and they may have no way to get further money if they run into...
Is bankruptcy the only option after a medical emergency?
When you suffered a medical emergency, you had no idea how much it would affect you. You went from working over 40 hours a week at a well-paid job to not being able to work at all. You fell behind on your bills despite having insurance and are still struggling now,...
Should you choose bankruptcy before or after divorce?
Women who are going through a divorce have a lot to handle. They need to set out a budget and make sure that they negotiate for their fair share of assets. They have to consider debts and how they’ll be divided. Debts are one of the most significant issues that come...
Debunking Bankruptcy Myths
You may not want to hear the word “bankruptcy” even when under significant financial stress. Bankruptcy can carry a stigma that makes people avoid it. However, many of the conceptions surrounding filing for bankruptcy are untrue. These myths can prevent people from...
Your ex-spouse’s bankruptcy filing may lead creditors to you
Your divorce was something you did not expect to take so long and result in such pain and stress. Now that time has passed, you do not wish to revisit much about it, especially the deals with your ex.A mutual friend expressed concern over the fact that your ex filed...
Debt consolidation versus bankruptcy
When you have gotten in too deep into debt to see a reasonable way out, you may start looking at your long-term goals. Will paying eight credit card companies hundreds of dollars a month for the next six years really get you where you want to go?People looking to...
Why many people could be closer to bankruptcy than they realize
If you are living paycheck to paycheck and dealing with credit card debt, you might be just a hefty car repair bill away from having to file for bankruptcy.However, what if you have some decent savings, say, $5,000, and are able to keep your debts in check? There is...
Steps to take before filing for bankruptcy
Although most people want to avoid going bankrupt, it might be a necessary legal procedure that can be highly advantageous in the long run. In 2016 alone, nearly 14,000 people filed for bankruptcy, taking into account every type of bankruptcy, in Indiana. That...